Reasons to Have a News Feed For Your Website

Have you ever wondered why so many web providers use news feeds for websites? It is because of you. Out of the approximately one billion internet users monthly, many want a quick and easy way to access the news most interesting to them. According to industry statistics, as of February 2013 there were more than 12.6 million websites incorporating RSS feed for website technology. Business and news sites are the top users of news feed for websites, and account for 13 percent and 15 percent, respectively. RSS feeds are relevant for blogs, too, and in fact, blogs pretty much pioneered the technology. Today, six million American blog readers get their news and information through RSS aggregators.

First things first; what is an RSS feed or news feed for websites? Otherwise known as really simple syndication or rich site summary, a news feed for websites is a way to aggregate a sites updated content. Rather than trolling through site upon site searching for headlines of interest or pertinence, A news feed for websites allow you to subscribe to websites and get the most updated content sent directly to your RSS reader. Readers are free news feed website, and can be installed directly onto your desktop, an online RSS reader, or a mobile platform.

If you are the owner of a blog or site looking to incorporate an RSS feed for website, installing news feed for websites is a very worthwhile endeavor. Not only will it increase your search engine index, but it could very possibly increase your SEO ranking, too. Integrating news feed for websites is a lot cheaper and easier than other internet marketing strategies, such as advertising and email blast campaigns. Additionally, because subscriptions to an RSS feed for website is completely 100 percent user opt in, you know that the content reaching your target audience will be well received. The process of installing a news feed for websites is fairly simple and straightforward; you just need a little code to input into your sites HTML editor. To insert an RSS feed for website from another site, you simply need to insert the URL into your HTML editor. So what are you waiting for? Add news feed to website today!