Duane Barnes distinguishes two concepts that form the basis of network connectivity. They may have a connection yet it’s important to know the difference for a positive user experience.
In the context of latency, it refers the amount of time and distance it is required to transport data from Point A to Point B. Bandwidth is the amount of data that can transfer in the span of a second between these locations. Where latency denotes speed, bandwidth denotes size.
It can be explained with the help of traffic an example. In this case, bandwidth refers to the number of cars in the roadway at any given time and the term latency refers the amount of time required for an individual car to get between two locations.
Latency and bandwidth are important for everyday businesses who use solutions like Salesforce or Office365, or cloud. A higher server latency or a slower speed will lead to poor transmission of data. Companies and networks can combat this problem by prioritizing particular packets of data over other ones and by locating themselves in places with high bandwidth, and a limited number of hops, to reduce latency of servers and more efficient data transfer.