16 Frequently Asked Questions About Bail Bonds – World Newsstand

News And clarifications are crucial. It will be easier to ensure you’re following the proper procedure, and not violating your bail conditions.

“Appear in person” or “appear in an individual” means: This refers to the requirement that you be present physically at the venue and show any identification document required. Face-to face communication is preferable in preference to phone calls, emails, or via videoconference. It is also important to understand the concept of an appearance bond, as set in your release terms. An appearance bond definition is a contract in writing that guarantees your release if you are charged with the commission of a crime. You agree to pay the judge for your release and any consequences for failing to appear for the court proceeding.

It is also possible to ask yourself two important questions while you consider securing bail;

Are bail bonds refundable?

Yes. Yes. You are entitled to a full refund of your bail amount, provided that both of you and the other person to who you’ve requested bail don’t violate the bail conditions. The money is never refunded when the defendant fails to show up on the scheduled hearing times.

Are bail bondsman law enforcement?

No. No. The bail bondsman isn’t an officer of the police. They are legally responsible for the bail system. They can summon you back to the court, and in some circumstances, will hire people to trace you down if you fail to attend court.
